Common customizations and feature requests

Please note: All code examples and plugin suggestions are provided for reference or guidance only, and we cannot guarantee that they will always work as expected. Our support policy does not include assistance with modifying or debugging code from any code examples, or providing support for any suggested 3rd-party plugins.

Customization/feature requests that can be resolved by our add-ons and tutorials

Customizing Forms

How to add custom fields

To add custom fields to WP Job Manager, you have a few options:

  1. Using a 3rd party plugin: You can use a plugin like WP Job Manager Field Editor which provides a user-friendly interface for adding and managing custom fields.
  2. Using WordPress hooks (filters): WP Job Manager allows customization of its forms using WordPress hooks (filters). You can add custom code to your theme’s functions.php file to modify or add new fields. The submit_job_form_fields filter can be used to edit job submission fields on the frontend.

Please note that WP Job Manager’s support policy does not include assistance with modifying or debugging code from code examples.

Remember to always test your customizations on a staging site before implementing them on a live site.

I would need users to be able to respond to job requests via a form

To achieve this, you’ll need the Applications add-on.

Customizing Job Application Forms with additional fields

With Applications add-on, you can customize the Job Application form. To do that, go to Job Applications > Application Forms where you can either edit the default form or create your own form. Learn more about Applications add-on on this documentation page.

Customizing Resumes

Let the users post comments to their own resumes

You can style these comments as mini-posts for showing to the employers. Here is a tutorial to help you get started:

Customizing Job Listings

Creating and updating expiration dates

You can use the Application Deadline plugin. It allows users to set expiration dates for job listings. You can find more information about the plugin here:

Automatic redirection when a job listing expires

You’d need to override our default template file to do this. Here’s a general tutorial:

How do I display or integrate job listings on another website?

You can embed job listings on external websites using our Embeddable Job Widget. For more information, see

Alternatively, you can utilize our RSS feeds to display job listings. For more information on how to set up and use RSS Feeds with WP Job Manager, you can refer to this article:

Customization/feature requests that can be resolved by third party add-ons or the WordPress Developer’s Reference Guide.


Editing resume fields

The Resume Content section is a textarea input type which has TinyMCE editor enabled, to change or add a placeholder text you will need to add some additional custom code to the website. You can also try the following plugin to add the placeholder text:

Please note, this is a 3rd party plugin. We cannot guarantee that it will work as intended.

Job Submissions

Multistep form for job submission

Multistep forms are not a default part of the WP Job Manager plugin. You would need to do some customizations to get what you need. You could try using one of the form building third party plugins and use it with WP Job Manager.

Another option would be to customize WP Job Manager templates as described here:

Job Dashboard / Job Listing Pages

Show extra fields on the Job Listing pages

The sMyles Field Editor plugin can help you achieve that. Please note that we are not the developers of this plugin. If you would like assistance, please reach out here:

Customize total number of jobs listed

WP Job Manager plugin use WordPress custom post types for creating the job posts on your site. You can use the wp_count_posts function to get a count of posts on a site.

For example, you can use:

wp_count_posts( 'jobs' )->publish;

In order to get a count of published jobs.

More details on the function can be found here:

WP Job Manager does not support displaying job listings in a logo carousel. You will need to use other third-party plugins to achieve this.

Custom Search and Filtering

To add a custom code-based search filter with a language category in WP Job Manager, you would need to create a custom plugin or modify your theme’s functions.php file, which is outside the scope of our support. 

You can also opt for a third-party plugin which can help you achieve that, such as Search and Filtering for WP Job Manager.

How to display jobs based on location

You can create custom URLs that link directly to your jobs page with job location already selected. Here is our guide on how to do that:

Besides that, WP Job Manager does not support location-based filtering for Job listings search or filtering, though there are 3rd-party theme and plugins that do that:

If you using any 3rd-party theme that extends WP Job Manager features, please note that WP Job Manager itself doesn’t create/generate Google Maps, but your theme does. WP Job Manager just takes in geolocation data for jobs (if provided), allows a space for entering your API key, but then it’s up to a theme to take that information and integrate search function by location, or output a map.

There is also further documentation on location and search-related issues:

Frontend style / text customization

How to customize or hide a button

You can customize the text inside a button using third party plugins such as Say What or Loco Translate. If you would like to hide a button, custom code will be needed.

Contact Forms

Please note we are not affiliated with any specific contact form plugin and cannot provide direct support for troubleshooting issues related to them.

Third-Party Plugin Resources:

Customization/feature requests that are out of scope

Helping with custom code

We can’t offer custom code or code snippets due to our support policy. Our support policy does not include assistance with modifying or debugging code from any code examples or providing support for any suggested 3rd-party plugins. However, this page showcases several popular ways to modify WP Job Manager.

REST API doesn’t cover Applications and Resume data

That is correct. While never published officially (has always required define( 'WPJM_REST_API_ENABLED', true ), we will be deprecating this REST API. Our scope and some purpose for the REST API has changed since originally planning it. For now, we’ll just be enabling WordPress core’s REST API on our CPT and custom taxonomies. For more information, please take a look here:

Customize Application add-on

Supporting customization issues is not within the scope of support. However, we do provide some documentation on customization, which you may find helpful:

How to specify distance with the Job Manager Geolocation third-party plugin

The functionality to specify distance when creating a job alert is provided by the Job Manager Geolocation. This extension is not part of the core WP Job Manager or the Alerts plugin.

To get help with Job Manager Geolocation, please get in touch with the plugin developers here:

Multiple roles for users creating job posts

WP Job Manager assigned an Employer role to a user when they sign up for an account on your website when posting a job.

In the Core WP Job Manager plugin, the Employer role does not have any special capabilities, and almost any user who is registered on the site can post a new job listing despite their role.

The plugin does not add or modify an already existing role if a user who is already registered on your site posts a job.

You can either manually assign the Employer role to a user or if you want the user to get an Employer role when they post a job, you will have to write some custom code for this functionality.

WP Job Manager Database Query

WP Job Manager stores job listing data in its own custom post type. Here is the list of custom post type used:

  • Job Listings: job_listing
  • Resumes: resume
  • Applications: job_application

While directly querying the database with custom code is an option, it requires advanced technical knowledge. If you’re unfamiliar with using standard WordPress/SQL functions for querying posts, we recommend seeking assistance from a qualified WordPress developer. You’ll find a list of database entries on this page:

Please note that to keep things running smoothly and ensure your data stays consistent, it’s best practice to use the functions and hooks we’ve included specifically for interacting with WP Job Manager’s data. Using these built-in methods is the best way to avoid any compatibility problems down the line.

Do you have a suggestion for an enhancement?

Maybe the feature you are looking to add to WP Job manager would be popular with other users, and you would love to see it as part of the plugin?

If so, please follow the instructions here.

Troubleshooting Documentation