Applications: Customising Application Statuses

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Applications by default has the follow statuses (these are custom post type statuses):

  1. New
  2. Interviewed
  3. Offer Extended
  4. Hired
  5. Archived
  6. Rejected

From version 1.7.0+ these statuses can be customised by using the filter job_application_statuses.

Adding a Status Example

This example adds a new status called ‘Example’. The code would be placed in your theme functions.php file or a custom plugin.

add_filter( 'job_application_statuses', 'add_new_job_application_status' );

function add_new_job_application_status( $statuses ) {
	$statuses['example'] = _x( 'Example', 'job_application', 'wp-job-manager-applications' );
	$statuses['another_example'] = _x( 'Another Example', 'job_application', 'wp-job-manager-applications' );
	$statuses['a_third_example'] = _x( 'A Third Example', 'job_application', 'wp-job-manager-applications' );
	return $statuses;

Removing a Status Example

This example removes the ‘offer extended’ status.

add_filter( 'job_application_statuses', 'add_new_job_application_status' );

function add_new_job_application_status( $statuses ) {
	unset( $statuses['offer'] ); // Other statuses include new, hired, archived and interviewed
	return $statuses;
Applications Documentation