What Data Does WP Job Manager Track?

For those who opt-in to usage tracking in WP Job Manager, certain information about the content and settings of your site will be tracked and stored. This enables us to make better decisions about what features to focus on improving. It also enables us to do targeted messaging, which helps to ensure that you only receive relevant communication from us.

WP Job Manager Info and System Info tracking data is sent automatically once a user opts in, and then once every 2 weeks for as long as the option is enabled. If usage tracking is enabled, event tracking is sent as the events happen.

We handle tracked data under the terms of our Privacy Policy.

WP Job Manager Info

To better understand which WP Job Manager features and functionality are the most popular, and to know the scale at which the plugin is being used, we track the total number of:

  • Users with a WP Job Manager-specific role (e.g. employers)
  • Custom post types per status that are added by WP Job Manager (e.g. job listings). This includes maintaining separate counts of any fields that may appear on these custom post types (e.g. company video).
  • Taxonomies added by WP Job Manager (e.g. job types). This includes maintaining separate counts of any fields that may appear on these taxonomies (e.g. description).
  • Jobs of each of the default types
  • Attributes of each type that are added to a shortcode

We also track the values of all WP Job Manager settings.

Additionally, we track user interactions for all WP Job Manager content in the WordPress admin. This enables us to identify areas where the flow could be improved in order to provide a better user experience. For the same reasons, at some point in the future we may also track visitor interactions on pages where WP Job Manager is running as a plugin (for example, which links are clicked). It would then be the responsibility of WP Job Manager users to notify their own users about the data that is being collected.

System Info

For general reference, to enable targeted messaging, and to make decisions about minimum system requirements, we track the following system info:

  • Site URL
  • Admin email address
  • List of activated plugins and their versions, including WP Job Manager
  • Active theme and version
  • WordPress version
  • PHP version
  • Locale / language
  • Multisite


  • Submission of job listings. No information about the job listing is included except for the source (if it happened from the WordPress admin or frontend submission form [submit_job_form]). This is to help us get a sense as to how Job Manager is being used. (As of WP Job Manager 1.33.0)
  • Activation and deactivation of official WP Job Manager extension licenses, including errors that are encountered. No license information is sent in this event. (As of WP Job Manager 1.33.0)
Advanced Usage Documentation