Preselect filters on jobs page using URL query strings

You can create custom URLs that link directly to your jobs page (the page containing the [jobs] shortcode), with specific filters already selected.

You can preselect keywords, location, categories, and job types.

For example, if your jobs page is at http://yoursite/jobs/ and you want to create a link that will preselect the ‘Medical’ category, you can use the following:

(Where ‘medical’ is the category slug.)

You can also use:

  • search_keyword
  • search_location
  • search_job_type

to preselect those filters. You can even combine them using ‘&’ e.g.

And you can select multiple job types and/or categories (if you have enabled category multiple selection in settings) by comma separating them, e.g.,surgical&search_job_type=permanent,temporary
Advanced Usage Documentation