• Welcome to Job Manager 2.3.0! In this release, we are adding a new core feature, job statistics for employers, refreshing the employer dashboard, and addressing various feature requests, like supporting reCAPTCHA v3. Job Statistics Employers and site owners can open a detailed overlay for each job listing. The analytics data includes page views and unique visits…

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  • Feature Requests for core WP Job Manager plugin You can find all the existing enhancement requests in GitHub, our external repository. Feel free to subscribe to any issue that interests you and add a comment if necessary. If the feature request you’re looking for does not appear in our repository, please post an issue on GitHub using our…

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  • As of 18 November 2020, we will no longer be selling our ZipRecruiter Integration add-on on WPJobManager.com. This add-on relied on ZipRecruiter’s public jobs API which is no longer being supported. We will continue to provide support for the duration of your active subscriptions, and we have open sourced the codebase so that you may continue…

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  • As of 2 November 2020, we will no longer be selling our Indeed Integration add-on on WPJobManager.com. This add-on relied on Indeed’s Publisher Program, which is no longer being supported. We will continue to provide support for the duration of your active subscriptions, and we have open sourced the codebase so that you may continue to…

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  • We’ve released a new incremental version of WP Job Manager with some bug fixes. You can download the latest release here or head over to Dashboard → Updates to update your plugins from inside WordPress. Please note: While we have thoroughly tested this release, it’s always possible that we missed something, so we strongly advise you to test the update…

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  • We’ve released a new version of WP Job Manager with some new features and bug fixes. You can download the latest release here or head over to Dashboard → Updates to update your plugins from inside WordPress. Please note: While we have thoroughly tested this release, it’s always possible that we missed something, so we strongly advise you to test…

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  • We’d like to let you know that our WP Job Manager add-ons will be switching to a subscription-based business model one week from now, on January 29th, 2018. What does this mean for me?  If you’ve purchased add-on licenses from us before, they will become one-year subscriptions only if you manually renew them after January 29th. If you’re…

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  • It’s been a while since our last check-in — we thought it was about time to let you know what we’ve been cooking up in the WP Job Manager kitchen!

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  • A New Chapter

    WP Job Manager is in good hands. After a while, we decided to get things moving and we created a demo site, a milestone for the new version, and we decided to actively publish articles on our blog.

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Latest Releases

  • WP Job Manager 2.4.0

    • Fix job dashboard actions menu in Safari

    • Fix PHP 8.3 support

    • Remove support for Internet Explorer 11

    • Fix WordPress 6.6 compatibility

    • Fix classic editor support for job listings

  • WC Paid Listings 3.0.3

    • Fix: Fix compatibility with scheduled job listings
  • Resume Manager 2.2.0

    • New: Add support for reCAPTCHA v3

    • Security Fix: Check if the user can manage resumes before bulk-approving

    • Security Fix: Add a nonce check to the resume page setup wizard

  • Job Tags 1.4.6

    • Tweak: Update usage tracking integration
  • Job Alerts 3.2.0

    • New: Add job statistics about how many times the job was sent out in alert e-mails

    • Dev: Add alert modal logged out version as template

  • Bookmarks 1.5.0

    • New: Add job statistics integration
  • Applications 3.2.0

    • Add application data to job statistics

    • Add support for ReCAPTCHA version 3

    • Update job dashboard integration
    • Fix: Fix compatibility with scheduled job listings
  • WP Job Manager 2.3.0


    • Job Statistics — enable insights like job listing page views, unique visits and search impressions to be collected and displayed to employers in the jobs dashboard.
    • Add Google reCAPTCHA v3 support


    • New: Job statistics overlay
    • Change: Redesign job dashboard

    • Change: Allow job duplication in the job dashboard for any job

    • Security: Don’t return unpublished jobs only in the promote job endpoint

    • Fix renewals for WordPress.com licenses

    • Fix issues with rich e-mails on some e-mail providers

    • Fix e-mail styling in some e-mail clients

    • Fix expiry date not showing up in backend editor

    • Fix: Add fallback to date format in case it’s missing

    • Fix: Prevent past dates from being used in the datepicker

    For developers:

    • Add filter to disable promoted jobs

    • Add placeholder options to select field

    • Job dashboard template has been rewritten

  • Job Alerts 3.1.1

    • Fix jobs not being filtered by date for alert e-mails (#467)

    • Fix: Update alert e-mail schedule when alert is edited in the admin screen (#469)

  • Job Alerts 3.1.0

    • Fix empty alert duration causing alerts to expire right away

    • Fix “Manage Alerts” and “Unsubscribe” links in alert e-mails for guest users

    • Fix company name, logo, location not showing in alert e-mails by default

    • Fix job tags that the user searches for not being part of the alert

    • Add a ‘No alerts found’ state to the My alerts page

    • Show alert frequency in my alerts list

    • Fix alert form permission checkbox

    • Fix error when job types are not set

  • WP Job Manager 2.2.2

    • Fix issue with rich e-mails on some e-mail providers (#2753)

    • Fix: ‘featured_first’ argument now works when ‘show_filters’ is set to false.

    • Improve checkbox and radio inputs for styled forms

  • Resume Manager 2.1.0

    • Update the ‘School’ string to ‘Institution’ and ‘Qualification’ to ‘Certification’

    • Fix: Do not return current directory when there are no resumes attached

    • Update settings page header

  • Job Alerts 3.0.0

    • New: Accountless Alerts. A long requested feature, now a new option makes user registration optional for creating job alerts. Job seekers can create alerts just with their e-mail, and after receiving and clicking a verification link, they’ll start getting alert e-mails just like registered users did. These guest users can also manage via magic links in the e-mails sent.
    • New: HTML e-mails. The Alert e-mails are now formatted. Brand color can be customized, as well as whether company name/logo/location should be displayed for the jobs.

    • New: Customize which job fields can be used for setting up alerts.

    • New: Add Alert modal: Instead of navigating to a new page with a form, alerts can be added right from the job listing page. Clicking Add Alert opens a modal to create an alert for the current search.

    • Fix: Fix shortcode handler only running in pages

    • Fix: Fix job alert pre-filling data when clicking New Alert

    Note: WP Job Manager version 2.2.1 is required for this release.

    Developer notes:

    • Refreshed frontend styles for elements like notices and the new modal
    • Alerts switched to the e-mail system of the core plugin

    • New HTML variants for the alert and confirmation e-mails

    • Template updates for the shortcode and new templates for e-mails and the alert modal

    • General code refactoring

    • Accountless alerts functionality uses a new guest user concept, implemented in the core plugin. These users are stored as a CPT, and authenticate to manage their alerts via tokens in the URL

    If you customize Job Alerts templates in a theme, the templates will need to be updated to work with the new features. If you integrate with the add-on in another way, nothing should break, but please test and check if any code needs to be updated.

  • Applications 3.1.0

    • Fix Variable Scoping Issue in job_application_email_add_shortcodes

    • Fix CSV Export: Encode all fields to UTF-8

    • Update Resume Manager integration

    • Add privacy policy suggestion for Applications

    • Add support for new settings page layout

    • Add hooks to allow extra columns to be added to the form editor

  • WP Job Manager 2.2.1

    • Fix PHP 7.x error for mixed returned type (#2726)
  • WP Job Manager 2.2.0


    • Allow scheduling listings during job submission — add an option to show a ‘Scheduled Date’ field in the job submission form
    • Add new [jobs] shortcode parameter, featured_first so you can ensure featured listings always show up on top.

    • Add support for user sessions without a full account (used in the Job Alerts extension)


    • Improve styling for rich text e-mails
    • Include plain text alternative for rich text e-mails for better compatibility

    • Store previous license when plugin is deactivated for easier reactivation later.

    • Update design for settings and marketplace pages


    • Fix custom role permission issues (#2673)

    • Fix RSS, Reset, Add Alert links not showing on search page without a keyword

    • Improve PHP 8 support

    • Fix numeric settings field issues

    • Improve e-mail formatting and encoding, remove extra whitespace

    • Add file type validation and error message to company logo upload

    • Fix cache issue when marking jobs as filled/not filled via bulk actions

    • Do not emit warning when user with insufficient access to Job Manager menu tries to access wp-admin

  • WP Job Manager 2.1.1

    • Fix link to extensions page (#2650)

    • Update Twitter to the new X logo

  • WC Paid Listings 3.0.2

    • Fix: Add the preview step for renewals (#137)