Welcome to Job Manager 2.3.0! In this release, we are adding a new core feature, job statistics for employers, refreshing the employer dashboard, and addressing various feature requests, like supporting reCAPTCHA v3.
Job Statistics

Employers and site owners can open a detailed overlay for each job listing. The analytics data includes page views and unique visits to the job page, interest indicators like clicks on the apply button, as well as search impressions: how many times the listing has appeared on the site among job search results.
Search impressions are dynamic and only counted when a listing is actually scrolled into view on the visitor’s screen.
The new feature is active for new installs by default. For existing sites, enable Job Statistics via the feature announcement notice, or in the Job Manager settings General tab.
Job Statistics in Extensions
The Job Alerts extension adds it’s own useful statistic: how many users have received the listing in a job alert e-mail matching their criteria.
The Applications extension adds a breakdown of applicants by their status in the hiring process, while the Bookmarks extension integrates with the Interest section and marks how many times a job has been bookmarked.
Responsive Job Dashboard

The new employer dashboard is a flexible hub to view and manage job listings, get the most important data in a glance or dig into details with the added statistics overlay. We added search and a company indicator for those managing a lot of listings, and consolidated columns added by the various extensions.
Read more in the detailed release notes here.