
Keep up to date with all our updates.

  • WP Job Manager 1.40.2

    • Revert: Hide expired job listings from archives
  • WP Job Manager 1.40.1

    • Fix: Icons not displaying properly
  • WP Job Manager 1.40.0

    • Enhancement: Improve licensing page experience
    • Enhancement: New email notifications setting
    • Enhancement: Improve discoverability of addon updates
    • Enhancement: New admin notices sytem with redesign
    • Fix: “Hide Expired Listings Content” setting
    • Fix: Hide expired job listings from archives
    • Fix: Show license notice only to users who can manage licenses
    • Fix: Select menu overlapping in Job Listing frontend
    • Fix: Company video overlapping when no tagline set
    • Change: Update tipTip library to use WooCommerce’s version
    • Change: Bumped minimum PHP version from 7.2 to 7.4
  • Job Tags 1.4.4

    Tweak: Update plugin headers.

  • Simple Paid Listings 1.4.4

    Maintenance: Update plugin headers.

  • Bookmarks 1.4.3

    Fix: Prevent bookmarking other candidate’s posts
    Enhancement: Add a template for the [my_bookmarks] shortcode for logged-out users

  • Application Deadline 1.2.6

    Fix: Add check for post_type array index
    Fix: Change column title from “Closing Date” to “Closing”

  • Job Alerts 1.6.0

    • Fix: Fix reflected XSS.
  • Resume Manager 1.19.0

    Update: Add author support for the Post Type just like WPJM core
    Bugfix: Fix a typo in the installation text
    Bugfix: Fix phpcs dependency issues
    Bugfix: Template security improvements
    Bugfix: Add language pack deploy command
    Bugfix: Remove unused jQuery dependencies
    Bugfix: Update jQuery deprecated functions
    Update: Add action to save resume skills to postmeta
    Bugfix: Fix extra whitespace in ‘Apply with Resume’ textarea
    Bugfix: Add user login to correct method call

  • Applications 3.0.0

    • Enhancement: Add support for multiple application forms
    • Fix: Handle listing applications with empty full name
    • Fix: Template security improvements
    • Dev – Move application forms to a custom post type. Update related hooks with new form ID parameter.
  • Job Tags 1.4.3

    Tweak: Update uninstall logic to depend on Job Manager setting and remove tags

  • WP Job Manager 1.39.0

    • Enhancement: Download first-party plugin extension translations
    • Enhancement: Add integration to Yoast SEO schema (@jdevalk)
    • Fix: Make salary placeholder string translatable
  • Job Alerts 1.5.6

    • Enhancement: Add Job Types to the My Alerts table.
    • Enhancement: Use multiselect UI for Job Types in the form.
    • Fix: Job Type field missing in the form.
    • Fix: Alert message displaying on [job_alerts] shortcode.
    • Dev: Move the [job_alerts] sign-in message to a separate template file.
  • WP Job Manager 1.38.1

    • Enhancement: Added support for marketplace
    • Change: Only perform application field validation when required or not empty (@tripflex)
    • Fix: Deprecated error in the_company_twitter() (@MPolleke)
    • Fix: Using WP Job Manager functions before they’re fully loaded.
  • WP Job Manager 1.38.0

    • Enhancement: Add remote position to filtering (@tripflex)
    • Enhancement: Add setting to enable/disable remote position field (@tripflex)
    • Enhancement: Add mobile support for keyword and location fields (@tripflex)
    • Fix: Remove multiple location search, revert back to original handling prior to 1.36 (@tripflex)
    • Fix: Translation issue in onboarding wizard. (@NekoJonez)
    • Fix: Better support for jobs submissions with 0 as input
  • WP Job Manager 1.37.0

    • Enhancement: Job Visibility Settings
    • Enhancement: New settings for Salary fields
  • WP Job Manager 1.36.1

    • Enhancement: Add salary field to satisfy Google’s job search schema
    • Enhancement: Allow location to display as either City/St or Full Address
    • Enhancement: Add link to Jobs Dashboard after submitting job
    • Enhancement: Ability to add multiple locations in search
    • Enhancement: Add support for remote job listings
    • Enhancement: Add jobLocationType: TELECOMMUTE, per Google
    • Enhancement: Job Visibility Settings
    • Enhancement: Allow user to select the pagination type for the [jobs] page
    • Enhancement: Added setting to bypass trash for job listings
    • Enhancement: Add Job submission limit
    • Fix: Form validation – consider zero (0) as a value for required fields
    • Fix: Jobs CPT doesn’t show password field when job is password protected
    • Fix: Undefined type PHP Notice
    • Fix: Fix broken lost license key link
    • Fix: Return $redirect_url when nothing to do with bulk edit
  • WP Job Manager 1.36.2

    • Fix: Revert Job Visibility Settings feature
  • WC Paid Listings 2.9.9

    Fix: Update plugin headers

  • WC Paid Listings 2.9.8

    Fix: Stop using deprecated WC subscriptions function