Account, Billing, License FAQ
Read More →: Account, Billing, License FAQPlease note: we only provide support for the paid addons we build. 3rd-party addons and themes listed in our marketplace are supported by their individual developers. Do you have a question about subscriptions and how they work? See below. This applies to add-ons sold on this site only, not third-party plugins sold elsewhere. If you have pre-sales…
Why a WordPress.com Account Is Needed for WPJobManager.com
Read More →: Why a WordPress.com Account Is Needed for WPJobManager.comWP Job Manager is a service built and owned by Automattic, the same company that owns WordPress.com. Having a WordPress.com account helps with security and authentication. It verifies that you are the rightful owner of the email address associated with your WP Job Manager account. If you want to register on the WP Job Manager website and purchase a…