Company Profiles
Outputs a list of all companies that have submitted jobs with links to their listings and profile.
Elementor Connector for WP Job Manager
Elementor Connector for WP Job Manager is a a plugin that adds design/layout widgets to your Elementor-powered website.
Emails Add-on
Customize default emails, or create custom emails, with support for all custom fields, if & each statements, and more!
Embeddable Job Widget
Show a form on your site that users can use to generate an embeddable job widget showing job listings from your site.
Espy Jobs
Espy Jobs is a full-featured theme for launching your own job portal website. With this theme, the focus is equally divided between job seekers and employers, making it a good all-purpose choice.
Extra Fields for WPJM
Adds an extra Salary and Important Information fields to WP Job Manager plugin. both in the front-end for Job Submissions as well as in the back end for Job Listing management.
Field Editor
Add, edit, or disable any default or custom job, company, or resume field. Use a widget, shortcode, or function to output fields.
Field Visibility
Set placeholder html/text for fields with custom groups based on the current user viewing the site.