WP Job Manager support team

When WooThemes joined Automattic in 2015 the creator of WP Job Manager, Mike Jolley, stopped actively working on the project and the mission of WP Job Manager was handed over to a new team. We’ve had plenty of discussions recently at Automattic about the future of WP Job Manager (along with another Woo product, Sensei LMS) and what the next steps should be. It came down to this – We want to give our users the support they deserve.


After assembling a team of people who will actively work on WP Job Manager as part of their main role, we decided that the first step we need to take is to patch the most annoying bugs, ask you, our customers, what you’d like to see in our product, and create a clear roadmap about what we think WP Job Manager should become in the next couple of years.

Don’t hesitate to reach out and share your ideas!

The Demo

WPJM demo Morpheus

You can now create new accounts, job listings, and applications directly at the demo site, i.e. take the add-ons you like for a spin and check how they suit your needs!

Lately, we’ve received so many requests for a demo of WP Job Manager and its core add-ons. And a few weeks ago, the demo site was created and you can now access it from the top menu at WP Job Manager official website. The demo also covers the paid listings flow with the Simple Paid Listings and Applications add-ons included. In the near future, we’ll also add another flow with the WC Paid Listings and Resume Manager add-ons.


Adding a patch

On August 19, we deployed the version 1.25.1 which was a maintenance release. We patched a few annoying bugs and added a couple of filters. We’re currently working on the version 1.25.2 and we also plan to make regular releases a habit in the months to come.

Breathing Life into the Blog

It's alive!

That’s right! WP Job Manager now has its own blog. We’ll be publishing updates, development plans, and useful articles and we’d love your feedback on what you would like to read. We’d like to start by asking you what things you particularly like about WP Job Manager, what topics you’d like us to write about in more detail, and any features or improvements you’d like to see added first?

Get in touch and share your thoughts with us via our contact form!