We’re just over halfway through July and already have two releases under our belt, including a major release to the WP Job Manager core plugin. We hope you enjoy the updates! Read on for more information about what’s new:

WP Job Manager 1.27.0

With nine fixes and eight enhancements, we’re really proud of this release!


  • Admins can allow users to specify an account password when posting their first job listing.
  • Pending job listing counts are cached for improved WP Admin performance.
  • Users can override permalink slugs in WP Admin’s Permalink Settings screen.
  • Admins can perform bulk actions to update jobs as filled/not filled.
  • There are job listing status CSS classes on single job listings, so you can use targeted CSS to style things to your liking.
  • There is a wpjm_the_job_title filter for inserting non-escaped HTML alongside job titles in templates.
  • Admins can filter by post_status in [jobs] shortcode.
  • You can access the settings tab from hash in the URL.


  • Cron jobs for checking and cleaning expired listings are always in place.
  • Multiple job types are handled better. AJAX upload errors, too.
  • The problem with deleting company logos from job listings submission form is a problem no more.
  • Users who aren’t logged in now see a warning on the job submission form.
  • WPML wasn’t syncing certain meta fields — now it does.
  • Job posting cookies get removed on logout.
  • Expiration dates can be cleared if the default job duration option is empty.
  • We resolved an issue with Safari and the expiration datepicker.

Big thanks to everyone who contributed

Check out the list of all the pull requests included in this release and the GitHub issues that were closed.

Simple Paid Listings 1.2.2

We updated a minor release to the paid listings plugin. Remember that issue with callbacks from PayPal and Stripe to notify WP Job Manager that a listing had been paid for? After rounds of testing, we confirmed the fix and released it for you all to enjoy.

More to come!

We’re working hard on new releases, so keep an eye out over the coming weeks 🙂

Photo by Mikael Kristenson on Unsplash